
Commitment - Demolition:

  • We will endeavour to meet all the necessary legal and regulatory requirements, in so far as they relate to our business.
  • We will ensure that all our staff and sub-contractors develop a good understanding of the environmental impacts of our business and what is expected of them, and that we take into account the impact of goods and services we buy.
  • We will prevent environmental pollution by effective planning and on-site procedures. This Commitment focuses our efforts on making every effort to minimise the pollution, which we inevitably cause in the course of our work - be it dust, spillage of any kind, smoke or noise.
  • We will make efficient use of resources by controlling scrap metal waste, conserving energy and seeking to re-cycle materials wherever possible.
  • We will manage sites and land within our control to mitigate environmental impacts as far as is practicable.The company recognises the potential and actual effects of its works on the landscape and ecological environment, and there are therefore a number of considerations related to this commitment.